Rockefeller Archive Center (New York)
The Rockefeller Archive Center, founded in 1974, is a leading repository for documentation on the history of philanthropy worldwide. It holds significant records for organisations like the Ford Foundation, the Trilateral Commission, and the Rockefeller Foundation itself. We are working with them on making accessible valuable archival material they hold on philanthropic efforts to strengthen social rights worldwide.

Opportunity Sheffield is the Employment and Skills service of Sheffield City Council, delivering employment and skills projects in the City. It aims to support people, particularly those more vulnerable to worklessness and underrepresentation in the labour force, in gaining skills and jobs. We will work with them to strengthen our links with the local community, especially local schools, colleges, and the voluntary and faith sectors. They will also help us carry out oral history interviews with members of the Sheffield community, reflecting on their understanding of the history of social rights.
Katholische Arbeiterbewegung (Catholic Labour Movement) in the Ruhr (Bochum)
An independent organisation of the Catholic Church founded at the end of the nineteenth century, it seeks to form networks and lobby politicians in the Ruhr region of Germany to improve working conditions. Rooted in Catholic social teaching, the group emphasises education on socio-economic issues and skills training. They will help us conduct oral history interviews in the Ruhr, while the content we produce will become part of their educational offering.

Founded in 2002, History & Policy is a non-profit network of over 500 academic historians committed to promoting better public policy through a greater understanding of history. They publish high-quality historical research and provide a forum for historians, policymakers, and journalists to come together. We will work with them to foster discussions about the wisdom and practicality of further enshrining social rights in the British public policy context. This will involve topical opinion articles and policy papers to be published on the H&P website, as well as a workshop at Senate House, London, bringing together politicians, officials, academics, lawyers and members of NGOs to discuss some of the insights from the current project.